Levi Andrew Wosick born, Aug 7th 2002, suffered a severe spinal cord injury on June 13th 2020, while racing and gearing up for his AMA Motocross professional debut. Within a few days of the accident (while still in ICU) Levi was determined he would find a way to find positives in his new reality. first with getting back active and returning to sport and his many hobbies that he had previously, but most importantly, after starting to see the realities of his injury the idea to find a way to show others that this injury isn't the end of life, but rather a opportunity for so much more. Within a few more days the idea of the foundation was spawned and after 46 days in hospital and rehab he came home to celebrate his 18th Birthday and the foundation was founded the following week.
Coming from a athletic family the thought of not having sport in life was out of the question, so during Levi's stay in hospital plans where made to pursue auto racing as the next chapter in Levi's book. and when he left hospital he and his new team were already drafting hand control designs for a 150cc shifter kart, these designs that levi is in the process of perfecting in racing he plans to provide via this foundation to anyone looking at adapting racecars and shifter karts, this will overcome one of the biggest challenges when trying to make auto racing accessible. as racing goes Levi has helped pave the way for handicapped people to get into the sport, levi has held professional racing licenses in SKUSA and ROK USA ( the 2 largest karting organizations) and has had his hand control design approved for competition in both sanctioning bodies and competed with them at 2 of the most prestigious karting events in the worldwide.
While racing was the main focus of his life, Levi had a massive passion for all things outdoors, this included hunting, fishing, camping, water sports, etc. all of which had challenges to overcome if he wanted to do these activities independently and easily. knowing that there are tens of thousands of others in his same or similar situation with these same hobbies and he wanted to find the best ways to partake in these hobbies from a chair. and this is were the Peace River Lodge project was born.
Levi's parents, Larry and Lise Wosick located and purchased a roughly 80 acre parcel of land that is situated on the peace river about 20 minutes from the Punta Gorda airport. this land has an abundance of wildlife, including turkey, deer, hogs, bobcats, panther and much more. that paired with the world class fishing of the peace river of which the land has over 1000 ft of waterfront access to makes it the perfect spot to set up a fully accessible property with cabins, atvs, utvs, jet skis and fishing docks to share this beautiful piece of Florida with others in similar situations for them to enjoy, as well as for levi to show others how he has managed to do all the activities he used to enjoy while in his current situation.. Larry and Lise have pledged this property for unlimited use by levis339foundation. and are investing all profits from their company Motomuck to the foundation for the development of the land.
For more information regarding this project and its progress, please visit the Peace River Lodge info page.
Levi's goal from the beginning was for his foundation to be the " Fun Foundation". while there are many great foundations that provide incredible care and support for individuals post injury, Levi wanted to take it farther by providing the opportunities for others to experience life in a whole new way, and to inspire them to strive and do more than he ever could.