Levi Andrew Wosick born Aug 7th 2002 suffered a severe spinal cord injury on June 13th 2020. Within a few days of the accident (while still in ICU) Levi was determined he would find a way to find positives in his
new reality. Within a few more days the idea of the foundation was spawned and after 46 days in hospital and rehab he came home to celebrate his 18th Birthday and the foundation was founded the following week
Through the work of this non profit 501 c 3 foundation Levi’s goal is to assist other seriously injured kids turn their personal tragedy into triumph.
In the years ahead Levi wishes to give this gift many times over through the various projects the foundation will create.
The goal of the foundation is to develop projects that are made available through Levi’s mentoring program that will provide inspiration to injured kids with spinal injuries who have severe disabilities.
Thank you for visiting Levi’s 339 foundation where Levi’s mission statement of turning tragedies into triumphs has become his reality.